Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 2: Idea development

For this module's project, we were broken down into groups of 3 to work together on one idea for our final project. My group consists of Foong Yann, Ruth and myself. 
Each individual members are to come up with possible AR services to work on with. 

Here are my proposed ideas:

1. Cuti-Cuti Malaysia (AR):

     Basically the idea of this is to make travelling more exciting instead of just going to historical and significant tourist sites like we've been doing for so many years. AR technology can make travelling more exciting. 

    It serves as an tourism app, it gives out information about the sites that the travelers are about to visit before going to the location as well as when they reached and at the same time has an activity that the tourist can choose to try and follow up to. 

   The additional activity involves the tourists to scan any of the historical monument, building or anything of that sort as markers and then launching the AR information regarding it and also a mascot/ character will appear and tourist are able to collect it buy touching onto the character. A collection of these mascots will receive a prize.

  For this idea, the best collaborative partner would be Tourism Malaysia. 

2. Haunted House (AR):

    For this idea I was inspired by the Korean horror comic that I read online. It is a drawing that consists of different frames and readers are to scroll down at a fast motion to be able to see the movement of the characters. 
   At one point, the ghost made a jump scare so close to the screen I almost wet my pants. And thus I was inspired. 

  The initial idea of the Haunted House is just jump scares. The players will be placed in an empty dark room and they are given flashlights and a mobile device, preferably a tablet. Through the tablet, they are able to see the world of horror that is in that room. They are then instructed to scan around the room and look for the ghost. Once they are scared shitless by the ghost they are have to then take a picture with it and the best pose will win a prize. These pictures will be uploaded on our Facebook page and people are then allowed to give as many likes. The most likes means the best pose. And the best pose means you stand to win a prize.

3. My Pet(AR):

  What I had in mind for this idea is a digital/virtual pet that you can take with you anywhere. Where will it be? In your smart device of course. 

  This idea is not new, but I've wanted to improvise and take the user experience to another level.
With Augmented Reality capabilities, the user can not only see their virtual pet in 3D state but also interact with the pet when it responds to gestures. So you can pretend like you're stroking a cat and it will respond accordingly. 


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