Monday, September 16, 2013

Tryout With Environment Tracking

To determine the software to be used, we have narrowed down 2 softwares which are Metaio and ARMedia.

The downside of Metaio that is noticed is that Metaio is cloud-based therefore it takes a longer time to load. Another issue that we would like to test out with Metaio is the the environment tracking and how it works. 
Our plan was to lock down the room and have Junaio (in case we do use Metaio) to load the AR room when the room environment is detected. 
A sudden realization, we have to prepare the room and lock it down in Metaio. Then we have to make sure that the room stays/is arranged exactly as how the room was arranged at first. 
At this, environment tracking is scratched out. 

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