Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 5: Troubles and Presentation

For the past few days we have been working on the green screen/ chroma key feature of ARMedia. But nothing so far has been working! 
Our presentation was hours away and we still can't seem to figure out what the problem was. 
We asked Mr.Mike for help and we were all trying to figure things out at the very last minute. 
It was purely bad time management. We should have been done with this days before the presentation. 

In the end, we found out that ARMedia's chroma key is faulty and is unable to function with it's child which is ARMedia Player. 

Thus we thought if it only works when scanned through the computer's web camera, then it is redundant as  this Horr(AR) Haus needs to use a smart device as it is portable and has the snap camera feature. 

We went on ahead and presented our ideas to the representatives of ROAR Studios. 
Our idea was just to keep the event in one room as a game for the annual Taylor's Halloween night by ADP club. 

The feedback that we received are stated below: 
  • Expand the idea throughout the whole campus
  • Find something more interesting like a poster that can be scanned to promote the event.
  • Since it is a university level, there aren't any high expectations so it's ok.
  • Would love to see some prototype for the presentation but it's ok.

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