Saturday, December 7, 2013


It's finally week 14 and we have done everything from the posters, to the videos to the markers and also the user testing.

We'll start with the posters.
Posters are now changed to have a perfect square look as ARMedia markers has to be a perfect square and should also have a white border for it to be detectable.
Therefore our generic A3 sized poster idea cannot be used.
Our video is also resized, we did not completely change the whole layout of the poster but just created an extra black space at the side so that the ratio is compatible with ARMedia.

We've also added another 2 scenes for the room markers. The markers are the same which is our Horr(AR)Haus logo with different contents when loaded.
We've tested out the markers in a dark room using a torch light and thankfully it worked!
We only used the torch app from our smartphones and I think that is great and can be used together with the ARMedia Player as well.
So on the day of the event, we do not need torchlight, just install the torch app onto our Ipad and launch the ARMedia Player together. Works together like a charm!

Speaking of Ipads. We had tested out the video on an android device and currently there are no audio playback on android. It only works on IOS.
Therefore until that issue is resolved, our idea would go on with IOS devices which is Ipad.

We've gone through the user testing and it's safe to say that our idea will work and this event project would be a success if is held.


From this project I have learnt so many things about Augmented Reality. My speculations from the start was proven true that AR is still very new and developing an idea for AR is very challenging as not many people are aware and is developing things that are AR related.

On the software side, ARMedia in my opinion is still fairly new with lots of bugs and glitches needed to fixed but it is constantly being developed and improved on as we can see on their official website. ARMedia Player is new therefore there are a lot of downside to it. But I believe Inglobe Technologies is working on it.

Working together with my group mates had it challenges but that is normal when in any situation. But I truly enjoyed working on this project and it was by far one of the most experimental and interesting project to work on.

But if asked again whether or not I would work on Augmented Reality, I would say no because of the reasons stated before. It is not practical and unless these apps are embedded in smart devices upon purchase, perhaps a feature available in the phone cameras then yes, I might consider dwelling with AR again.
Until then, it is a no for me.

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