Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week 1: Getting Started with Metaio

So for the first week, we've been exposed to a software called Metaio.
Metaio is an Augmented Reality software which is among the many in the market. It seems that this software is the most reliable and stable used in the industry today.

We tried out using AR for the first time. It was really cool how it loads and Metaio man appears onto our screen. Just awesome!

Here are same basic rules about creating Augmented Reality makers:

  • High contrast colours for image tracking. 
  • choose shapes that are not identical when rotated (NO CIRCLES!)
  • have white spaces
We also tested out an AR comic book which comes to life after scanning and also a t-shirt line whereby you can scan the t-shirts and something pops out.
There are many new ideas that can be used for AR. It's used to indicate buildings in a bustling city, a promotional method for MCD and just another fresh way of reading storybooks and comics. 

But here are my thoughts on Augmented Reality.
Although it is different and revolutionary, I think from a user's point of view, it could be non practical at certain point. Because it is an app based, we cannot expect everyone to have the app embedded in their smart devices. What would drive them enough to go online and download the app? 
It means the product has to be really outstanding to push people to buy the app and try it out. 
But how do you produce something knowing that people can't even scan it because they don't have the app. Do we give out free apps by the street? Or is it certain that the promos would work?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Week 1: What is Augmented Reality?

First week of class off to a good start!

Before we begin, let's give an introduction of what the class is going to be all about.

Innovation and Collaboration will be a class where we collaborate with an internal or external party.
It could be within campus grounds or even outside.

"Predict what is the need in the world?"
We talked about "blue oceans" and "red oceans" which basically defines the fields in the market. Blue Oceans defines the areas which are not ventured often by people and red ocean defines the areas that are swarming with innovators trying to outshine each other.
One perfect example is the smart phone field. It's either Samsung or IPhone.
IPhone one minute and then Samsung the next.
Augmented reality in my option is definitely swimming in the blue ocean as I don't see it being used a lot.

Something which is pretty interesting is the Google Glass.

It's unreal, I wonder if it is even real or just one of those scams you see online. But then I found out that is out for sale already. O.O
So I guess it is real then. 
Since it has voice recognition, I don't know how accurate the Google Glass would be. 

Here's a much realistic parody of Google Glass which basically sums up my concern. 

It's hilarious but I think it's realistic. No technology is perfect. Especially those that relies on voice recognition. We all know how wrong it can go. Just try it out with your smartphones and see. 

AR is a layer of CGI that is triggered in by the real world (AKA Markers) . It is mostly used for marketing and advertising. 

The software used for AR are plenty and many in development.
Examples are: 
  • Metaio: A standalone app.
  • ARMedia: A plugin used with other bigger software such as Autodesk Maya and 3DSMAX, trimble SketchUp and many more. 
  • Aurasma
  • Layar
  • Vuforia
AR is also used in games today. Some good examples can be seen through consoles such as Playstation Eye, Kinect, Nintendo 3DS, Playstation Portable and Playstation Vita.
These consoles uses camera to augment computer graphics into live footage. 

So that sums up day one of class. Tune it for more!